Blog Layout


Nov 19, 2019
God is so good, and once again we feel so privileged to be His Ambassadors as we travelled to Albania in September to do Ministry there.  It’s the longest visit we’ve done to Albania, and it certainly was worth it. 

God did some amazing things.  He also opened new doors for us and we got to meet some more amazing people who love the Lord, and seek to do His Will and His purposes and to bless the people of Albania.

So the highlights of our 2 week visit:
  • We preached and ministered at 7 Churches, of which 6 were Albanian.  They were such wonderful times, and we both went with messages on our hearts.  We both preached at most of the Churches and shared God’s heart for those we ministered to. 
  • We were invited to speak and minister at the Tirana Pastor’s Alliance.  A small gathering of mainly Albanian pastors, but also some Missionaries who work with the Church, or Christian Organisations there.  What an amazing time, and we keep praying for this group of people who love the Lord.
  • Jean spoke at the Women’s Meeting.  The message she shared with them challenged them – and we trust that there will be fruit from the message and ministry.
  • We also had a visit out to Bathore where we were taken to visit families in the community before going to the Centre.  Once again, it is the story of great poverty – families living off of what little money they can get.  In small houses and once again having been affected by the elements.  Not only had we had the earthquake, but on the Monday night we had the most intense thunder and lightning storm with heavy rain that lasted all night.  So these families were dealing with damage and flooding in their homes too.  How do we help them?  At times during those visits we felt so helpless.  We could leave some money – but what they really needed was someone to come in and do the repairs and sort things for them.  One of the ladies had gone to the local council for help, but was turned down.  Things are not good in Bathore, but we continue to admire and commend Evis and the team at the Centre for the amazing work they do there with the children and the women in the community.  At the Centre we had lunch with the staff and then Graham shared some encouragement with them.  A really good, thought-provoking day out.
  • Then there were many one-on-one visits with people, some divine appointments, and good new connections.  Every one we spoke with wants to see God come and do a work in Albania.  They are hungry for Him.  That is great news!  We also heard on numerous occasions the words “too busy”.  People were too busy to go to Church, too busy for God, even too busy within the Church trying to play God.  As we heard this – we recognised that it’s not just a problem in Albania.  Being “too busy” and not needing God is a world wide problem.  But we will continue to pray that people’s hearts and attitudes to God will change. 
There is so much more to tell, but the summary of all of what happened is that God opened new doors for us, gave us new connections, and most of what we did and who we saw were Albanians.  We are thrilled about that because that’s our heart for our ministry in that country.  We want to continue to work with and encourage the Missionaries and foreigners too as that is also part of our Ministry there – but we have always longed for more Albanian connections.  If we were there another week, we could have preached in Albanian churches a few more times. 

But we believe that what happened during this visit is merely the foundation being laid for the building of what is yet to come. 

Our thanks must go to God first – for He did wonderful things for us.  He managed our finances, He gave us the Divine Appointments, He sustained us, He equipped us.  So we praise Him and thank Him for this trip and all glory must go to Him.

But we are also so grateful for those who have faithfully prayed for us in our Ministry, and for those who prayed for us for this trip.  We are thankful to Barry, our Ministry Partner in Albania, for hosting us and for all he did for us during this visit.  We are thankful too, to those who invited us to preach in their Churches, for those we had meetings with, for those who blessed us with hospitality and meals.  We are so blessed and thankful for the Stephen Center Bed & Breakfast and Restaurant. 

We look forward to the opportunities God will give us to return to Albania for more Ministry Trips in 2020 – please be praying with us for the doors to open and the appointments and invitations to come in.

And to those who sowed financially to the Ministry and the Trip – thank you.  You have planted seeds that will bring a harvest.  Bless you in abundance.

With our love and blessings
Graham & Jean
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