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Arise Dry Bones

19 March 2020
Things are getting more interesting (for the want of a better word) in the world right at this moment.  ‘Social Distancing’ and ‘Self Isolation’ are the ‘new’ buzz words.  It’s all because of a virus  - a virus which we agree is before it’s time.  A virus which is causing mass panic and fear.  A virus which seems to be doing the devil’s work for him.

But even in this time we can still praise and worship our Awesome God.  We can still pray and bless others and we can still seek God with all our hearts.

As I’ve been thinking about things, I have felt the Spirit of God stir my spirit to look at things through  the eyes of experience.  

In this time of isolation (whether it be by choice, because of contracting the virus, or because people and Governments have decided everyone should be isolated), we will have time to reflect inwardly.  We may suddenly realise how much money we spend on coffees - because we can no longer go to coffee shops for a treat.  We may suddenly realise how much we spend on take-outs or restaurant meals – because we will have to cook for ourselves as restaurants, etc. are closed.  And we may even start to realise how much we rely on others around us to assist us in our walk with God.

Let me tell you about my testimony.  When we were in South Africa, in Richards Bay, we were part of a vibrant Church.  We both were involved in many ministries, and we were busy all the time.  We did grow, and we were so honoured to be used by God in these ways.  Then we left South Africa and came to the UK.  Suddenly we were alone.  The only people we knew were Graham’s cousin and late Aunt.  We went to Church, but we didn’t really get involved.  We met people, but it took a while for us to form relationships and for them to become friends.  The reality of moving country hit home for me, and it took me a few months, but I realise it had affected my walk with God.   

And the reason why it affected my walk with God was because suddenly I was having to do this God-Relationship thing BY MYSELF.  I didn’t have anyone carrying me, encouraging me, spurring me on.  I was isolated spiritually, and struggling with it.  Now don’t get me wrong, having people encourage us in our walk, having people to gather with to worship and praise God, those are good things.  We all need encouragers around us.  But when we have to rely on others to get our relationship with God going, then that’s not such a good thing.

This season of isolation taught me well though.  I realised that my walk with God was dependent on ME walking with God – not someone else doing it for me.  I had to seek God, and I had to learn how to seek Him by myself.  

We have to pursue our own relationship with God.  Jeremiah 29:13 – 14(a) (NLT) reminds us “13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. 14 I will be found by you,” says the Lord. “I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes.””

Here God was promising Israel a release from their captivity.  But I think God is promising us a release from our captivity of reliance.  He will find us, He will restore us, He will set us on the right path.  All we need to do is partner with Him and trust Him in the journey.

So where do the ‘dry bones’ come in, I hear you ask?  As I have continued to seek the Lord on this, I believe that the Lord is saying:

“In this day I am raising up an army of Co-Labourers.  I am raising up ones that will be reliant totally and wholeheartedly on Me.  I am raising up ones that will speak into the valley of dry bones, and cause them to come together.  I am raising up ones that will prophecy breath to the bones, and that they will live and breathe again.  I am raising up ones that will seek to spend time with Me and to find their rest in Me.  I am raising up ones that will know My heart, and My thoughts, and My ways in this season.  I am calling those who love Me to learn to lean on Me in new and fresh ways.  I am calling the Harvesters.  I am calling you to be part of the Harvesters.  There is a harvest coming – and I need you to co-labour with Me.  But I need you to be ready. “

"With our loss of the sense of majesty has come the further loss of religious awe and consciousness of the divine Presence.  We have lost our spirit of worship and our ability to withdraw inwardly to meet God in adoring silence."   A.W. Tozer  (The Knowledge of the Holy).  

I know that God is calling us all into a much deeper relationship with Him in preparation for what is to come.  I believe that the harvest that is coming is going to be preceded by a great evangelical move.  But not everyone is going to be going out and evangelising.  Some of us are going to evangelise.  Some of us are going to pray.  Some of us are going to be back at the storehouse awaiting the harvest.  But I believe that ALL OF US should be already speaking into the dry bones of the unbelievers.  We should already, through our prayers and proclamations, be calling in our family members, work colleagues and friends who are not yet believers into the Kingdom of God.  By faith they will hear the voice of Jesus in their lives saying ‘Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.  But it will take us to be in relationship with God ourselves first and foremost, and it will take us prophesying into those dry bones.  

That means we need to be spending time with God, seeking Him and growing in Him.  We need to be worshiping Him and lifting up the Name of Jesus.  We need to become the Holy Nation that God has called us to be and become a people of His possession.  We need to be withdrawing into the secret place to meet with God.   Through that we will bear the testimony of God in our own life through our words and actions.  Through our withdrawing to the secret place and worshipping God and spending time with Him letting Him speak into and bring life to our dry bones we will be able to reflect Jesus to this broken and hurting world.

I believe God is calling the dry bones within us to arise, to have flesh, and to have breath and for us to be so close to Him that we know His thoughts and hear His voice and do things His way so that we can co-labour with Him in this next outpouring.  

Are you ready?

With my love


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