Let me tell you about a vision I had a while back. I saw myself driving our car on one of the main roads here in Tunbridge Wells. Suddenly I saw myself as an observer on the pavement near a Pedestrian Crossing on this road. I observed that there was a smartly dressed man in a dark suit standing at the Crossing. He stepped into the road to try and cross, but the car approaching the Crossing didn’t see him and drove straight through. So he stepped back to wait.
Again he tried to step into the road to cross, and again the car approaching just drove straight through without seeing him, and he had to step back onto the pavement. This happened several times.
When I came out of the vision I felt that this was from God, and He was showing me how we can be towards Him.
We want a relationship with God, but we can be so busy working for God and serving Him, trying to impress Him, or even just doing our own thing, that we don’t set our eyes towards God. We don’t observe that which is right in front of us – even spiritually. Maybe it’s because we’re looking for the BIG things that we miss the SMALL AND OBVIOUS things.
I was reminded a couple of weeks ago of the Scripture of the two men on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). There they were walking down the road, and Jesus joined them. They didn’t recognise Him, and Cleopas even asked Him “are you the only stranger … who is unaware?” Obviously they thought he had just arrived in Town and had missed all the excitement.
Oh, we’ve heard this account so many times in sermons, and no doubt read the account many times, and we marvel at the fact that these two men who had obviously known and been with Jesus before the crucifixion didn’t recognise him after the Resurrection. But aren’t we like that sometimes? We know Jesus, yet we don’t KNOW Him.
God has really challenged Graham & myself over the last few months to spend more time with Him. To get to know Him more, but also to SEE Him, not just HEAR His voice. To SENSE Him and to ENGAGE with Him more.
“I don’t think we, as God’s children, understand the joy our Father feels when we spend time with Him. I don’t think we understand the depths of His love that He would pay the highest price simply to have unhindered relationship with us again.” “Don’t let the opinion of others sway you from your firm foundation of God’s love. What is the opinion of man in comparison to the perspective of God? If God counts relationship with you worth the death of Jesus, you are that valuable. Cast aside the fickle thoughts of others for the truthful, life-giving love of your heavenly Father. Rest in His presence and find hope and security in the truth that His arms are always open to you – ready to embrace you just as you are.” [Quotes from First15 Devotional, 22nd January 2019].
God paid the highest price for us, and He desires to have a relationship with us that goes beyond anything we can ever experience. I believe that God is challenging us to look for the small and obvious things that He does for us on a daily basis, and to turn away from the need to always look for God in the big things, the big miracles, the big blessings.
My prayer for you, as it is for myself, is that you would grow to love spending time with God even more than you currently do, and that you would know, in greater measure, the blessings that come from abiding in Him.
I bless you to seek God’s face and presence as your greatest need. I bless you to call on Him and to hear His voice with clarity. I bless you to know the thoughts and ways of God as He reveals them to you through your abiding with Him. I bless you to seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and then to know the abundance of blessings and life being added to you. I bless you to recognise God in every situation, and to see His goodness and mercy and grace being poured into your life daily.
I bless you in Jesus’ Name.