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'Follow Me'

Sep 22, 2017
When Jesus calls us to leave everything and follow Him, how easy is that for us to do?

Luke 5:4-11 is the account of Jesus calling Simon (Peter), James and John to follow Him, and they would become fishers of men. But just before Jesus called them, He told Simon to put out his nets. Well, Simon had the biggest catch ever. He must have looked at that and wondered if there was enough fish there to keep him in good living for a long time. Surely this would have given him lots of opportunity to 'do the Lord's work'

But when Jesus said 'Follow Me', Simon left everything and joined Him as His disciple.

There is a price for us to pay when we follow Jesus. Are we willing to pay that price? Is the price too high for us sometimes?

The things we have to give up could be comfort & security, family, bank accounts, leaving the place we love, or the people we love.

But Jesus is worth giving it up for. I am amazed that the things we hold on to thinking that we could not do any better than that is often nothing compared to what Jesus has in store for us.

Gal 6:9 - 'Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up doing it God's way.' (Emphasis mine).

God calls us - and even when we don't respond immediately (like Simon did), He always prompts us to reconsider.

Many times Graham and I have taken weeks to agree that it was God calling us and that we need to listen and follow Him. But when we have finally agreed to do it His way, the harvest has been great.

So be encouraged today - when God calls you, follow Him. It's the best plan after all.

Be blessed

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