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God's Wisdom Will is Important

Feb 06, 2024

Psalm 10: 4 “The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God: God is in none of his thoughts.”

There was a very successful corporate manager who said, "It's not that I don't believe in God, it's just that I don't have time for Him. If I did all the things that God wanted me to do, I'd never have time left for business." What a sad statement to make about doing works for God!


Being a Christ follower means so much more than just believing in the existence of Christ. There are many who believe in Christ, but they are determined to remove Him from their hearts and minds. They don't have the time for Him. What a sad day for Christ after all He has done for them.


Too many people see life in Christ as slavery rather than freedom. They feel oppressed by the only true One that can free them. That is on the church and religion.


Why do I say this? Well, we evangelise to them on setting them free from hell and sin and then we put a whole lot of traditional rules of the church on them and just make them slaves to the church instead of servants to Christ.


To understand on how to have a relationship with Christ, we must spend time with Him. If we reject Him without even getting to know Him, we rob ourselves of any chance at redemption and salvation. As Christ followers, we need to keep God close in our hearts and minds. We need to read His Word, dwell upon Him in our hearts, and speak to Him and of Him wherever and whenever possible. By keeping the Lord close you will never feel alone. 


1 John 2: 17 “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever”


Derek Prince once said that we are living in a very impermanent and changeable world. Nothing that we see is going to last permanently. The ambitions, the desires, the passions of people of this world who are immersed in time and the things of the flesh are all going to pass away. There are forces at work in the world – spiritual and material forces much more powerful than we are, forces that we cannot control. We are just like a little speck on the surface of a river being carried along.


Is there any way to find permanence? Is there any way to find security? Yes, it’s simple. Those words contain the answer: “But the one who does the will of God abides forever.” In the last resort, God’s will is going to stand whether we agree with it or not. When everything else collapses and falls away and becomes impermanent and insecure, disappoints us, and maybe even deceives us, there’s one thing that’s going to stand secure, that’s God’s will.


God is in control; He’s supreme. And if you continue to keep yourself within the will of God, if you make it your purpose in life to do the will of God, then you are just as strong and just as permanent and just as secure as God’s will. Circumstances will change, the world will change, but the will of God stands firm, enduring and unconquerable and you can be just like the will of God if you set your mind to do it.


PRAYER: Father God, we ask that You place Your Will in our hearts and minds that we call upon Your Wisdom to lead us and guide us into eternal life. Precious Jesus be our Guide and our Comforter and our Leader as we draw near to You to follow in Your path of righteousness.  In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.




Dr Marishjean Paton Dr.Div PhD

Melqowsh Ministries and Melqowsh Bible College

Our thanks to Toby for this months Blog contribution

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