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Letting the Gardener bring Life to Dead Places

22 November 2021

Mark 16:1,2 “When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb.”


We can turn our dead tombs into gardens of fullness of life.


When Mary discovered the empty tomb, she turned and thought the person she saw was a gardener. He obviously looked the part. This is why we cannot judge in what we see because it causes us to misjudge and to work in the flesh.


In truth the tomb was transformed from a dead grave to a resurrected garden of life forever. The Gardener of life who was resurrected from a dead garden to a life in abundance, was already on His way to Galilee. Jesus was off to meet the disciples to show them He is alive. Those dead bones were very much alive and walking. Just like Elisha brought the Power of life to dead bones, the miracle working God brings life to dead places.


None of us can truly transform ourselves into all God wants us to be. There is nothing we can give up that will make us as Holy as Christ, no works that we can do that will make us as good as Christ. None of us can overcome our sins and shortcomings on our own, this can only be achieved by the Power of the Holy Spirit.


Before His crucifixion Jesus said to His follower, “I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth and that He lives with you and will be in you” John 14:16,17


With all that has been going on in the world these last few years, there has been dead areas in our lives that have come in to make us despondent, but, when we allow our Gardener to resurrect our garden of Eden, from within, we will start to see the fruitfulness of His love pouring out upon us. The fruit of our garden must be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22). If we don’t give off these fruits from our garden then our garden is nothing but a dead grave with no life.


Jesus was in the Garden of Eden when we were created, He was there when we destroyed our garden with our sin. Our Gardener came and paid the price for us to restore our garden. Jesus went into the garden to fast and pray for us often. There are many scriptures throughout the Word of God about Him slipping away to have His prayer time for us. He was in the garden when He was betrayed and sent to be crucified. He did this so that He could bring true life into our gardens through salvation.


He is our Gardener who shapes us by pruning us and grafting us into His family, so that we can bring life and fit into His Garden which is the Kingdom of God. Pruning at time can hurt but it will not destroy us unless it is done by one who does not know what they are doing. BUT, our God is a professional Gardener and is Perfect in all of His ways and will shape us according to His will to give us fullness of life so that we can live life in abundance.


He gives beauty for ashes, restoring Hope in dead places. Now let His breath turn your grave into a garden of life. Let the Spirit of Life destroy all dead works and turn your grave places into beautiful gardens that produce the fruits of the Spirit to overcome all dead areas in your life. TO KNOW CHRIST IS TO KNOW LIFE. 


PRAY: Father God through Your Son Jesus Christ we come before you with our dead places that are destroying our walk with Your Holy Spirit and we ask that you prune us and shape us into the fullness of what You have called us to be. Lord help us to take hands off the dead areas in our lives and allow you to be our Gardener to graft us into You and to restore us into that which You have purposed for us. Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy and grace that reigns in our lives. We thank you for our salvation through You. Father God help us to release ourselves into Your Hands and to trust in You for fullness of life.  In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen


 Dr. Toby Paton

Melqowsh Ministries

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