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New Wineskins

6 July 2020
In recent years, God has been speaking to Graham and myself about New Wine.  In recent months, He’s been stressing the importance of New Wine Skins.  Because, as Scripture tells us, we cannot put new wine into old wineskins.

I believe that this has been a time (during Lockdown) that God has asked us to prepare New Wine Skins in our lives so that when He pours out the New Wine, we are prepared and ready.

I sensed God saying to me that there are some people who have their Wineskins ready.  They are new, pure and ready for the outpouring of the New Wine.  How have they got their New Wineskins – they have spent time with God, they have had their ‘search me God and reveal to me any wicked ways’ moment.  They have dealt with the things in their lives that are not of God, and they are now continuing their journey of sanctification.

Then I heard God say that there are people who don’t think a new Wineskin is necessary.  They are happy to continue with their lives just the way they are.  They believe that they are ok and that they are doing the will of God.  I believe that God will continue to use these people in the furthering of His Kingdom.  I believe that His grace is sufficient that these people will still bear fruit in the Kingdom – but they will miss out on the fullness of what God is doing in this new season.

And the third thing I heard God say is that there are some who feel that they have a good enough Wineskin, but it just needs a bit of patching up.  I then heard God say that the New Wine will not last in these people, because it will be contaminated by some of the existing issues in their lives that God has asked them to deal with and they are not dealing with them.  And contaminated Wine is of no use and so it will be wasted.  

So I did a bit of research –

How are [natural] Wineskins made?
An animal, usually a goat, is carefully selected and sacrificed.  The skin is removed and dried and tanned.  The skin is then cut to shape using a pattern, then stitched together to form an air-tight seam.  After sewing, it’s turned inside out.  This process apparently required the expertise of a craftsman – the skin is blown into to inflate it and then ‘turned on the rod’.  At this point the wineskin is sealed on the inside using a resin which is heated and then applied to the interior and allowed to cool.  Finally, after checking, cords are put on, and the wineskin is ready for use.  (

Old wineskins will not be pliable whereas new wineskins are pliable.  New Wine is still in a state of fermentation – bubbling and expanding as the gases are released – so the new wineskin absorbs the expansion and ages with the wine.  Old wineskins are brittle so the new wine will stress the skin and it won’t yield to the fermentation etc.  

How do we get our New [Spiritual] Wineskins?  
New behaviours and new results do not go with old mindsets and old behaviours.  They clash, and therefore the new behaviours will fall by the wayside very quickly.  That’s why we need to walk out the truths of the new behaviours and new results daily.

During this time of ‘Reset’ I believe God has asked us to prepare our new Wineskins.  And some of us will continue to spend time with God for a period of time preparing our new Wineskins, whereas others are ready to receive the Wine when God pours it out.  Only we will know when we are ready, because having spent time with God, He will tell us.

Psalm 139:23-24 (TPT)  “23 God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart.  Examine me through and through;  find out everything that may be hidden within me.  Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious cares.  24 See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways—the path that brings me back to you.”

We must allow God to search our hearts and reveal to us the things in our lives that need to be ‘sacrificed’ – the things that we need to let go of, the things that are idols, the things that prevent us from moving forward in the fullness of relationship with Him.  Don’t be concerned if this takes time or involves emotional pain, just be assured that the Master Craftsman is doing His job, and therefore the job will be done perfectly.

When we have the revelation of what’s in our hearts and lives that God wants to deal with, we must:

Repent – let go of old ways and things God shows.  Confess these things and turn away from them.  Receive God’s forgiveness, and it is necessary not just receive God’s forgiveness, but also to forgive others for the part they may have played in our doing these things.  We may also need to forgive ourselves.  If so, then do these things to be free and to be able to walk in freedom.

Conform – to God’s ways.  Renew your mind and thinking to come in line with what God is saying and showing through His Word (Romans 12:2).  Seek Him, Know Him and come into agreement with what He’s showing you and telling you.  Ask God to help you to change and then trust in the process that God is showing you.  Walk out these new truths in your life daily.  

For some people change is not easy, and they resist change.  It’s important to work with Holy Spirit in this area.  It’s crucial that we communicate with God, and it’s vital that we do what He is asking us to do.  Ask Holy Spirit to help you with the process – He is willing to.  It’s only by working together with God that we will be able to walk into the fullness of what God has prepared for us.

In conclusion, we can draw a parallel spiritually with the natural process of making a new wineskin.  We need to sacrifice some of our old habits and old ways.  Now this isn’t what is used to make the new wineskin spiritually – I believe that the new ways and new things God is asking us to do is what will form the new wineskin in us.  But there’s a process of waiting and being changed from one form to another – and we need to allow that process to take place in us.  Then there’s the preparation of making the wineskin able to take the new wine – this is where God is ministering to us and we are working with Him in the process of change.  And finally, the wineskin is ready.  We too will be ready, in God’s time, to receive all that He has for us in this new season.  

I bless you to work with God in this process, and to be the bearer of the finest of Wine that God is pouring into you in this next season.  He is pouring this Wine into you so that you can pour it out onto others.  Don’t keep it all for yourself.  Pour it out, share it, bless others with it.  And remember to do this in God’s timing, for His glory, and for the furthering of His Kingdom.

Be blessed

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