When the world crushes us we bleed, but when Jesus crushes us we turn into wine. That’s the big difference when we are trusting in our God. This is why we need new wine skins as the old wine skins become raisins, dried up and for waste.
In Exodus 1:22 we see that Pharaoh fed the boy babies into the Nile river to the crocodiles and their blood made the river turn red. So God allowed Moses to curse the river and turn it into blood with the plague. This caused the fish to die, which was a part of the people’s diet. They did not only lose their drinking water and bathing water, they lost food as well. But what does Jesus do to counter act this act?? Where they were celebrating with food and drink, He turns the water into wine.
In John 2 we see that Jesus says to his mother “woman what does your concern have to do with Me?” It’s a question He asks her as He feels it is not His time yet to reveal who He truly is. Their celebration had nothing to do with honouring His Father but Jesus was all about honouring God His Father. He states “My hour has not yet come.” But, look at how God’s timing works here - this is why we need to have our lamps filled at all time, because God’s timing is in a blink of an eye. Jesus says His hour has not come and not long after that, He is telling them to fill the jars with water. Are you ready??
We need to stop worrying about what people think and start being concerned about what Jesus thinks. Are you a grape ready to be squeezed by Jesus to make you into the fine wine He has destined you to be, or will you continue to allow the world to turn you into a raisin?
The servant knew what happened, not the master, the master was too busy having a party and enjoying his life and being the master. Being a servant for Jesus you will reap the finest wine that there is for you to reap.
So many Christians want to be the master and not the servant, that they forgo their anointing so that they can be up in front either to be the preacher or pastor or leader. They want to be a bigger and better grape, but that grape is just a grape until it is squeezed and the juice comes out to be made into wine. It is no wonder that the Word says there are few labourers. The harvest is so great and the coming of Christ is so close that we ought to be concerned for the lost. Jesus did not say ‘go make leaders and pastors and preachers’, He said 'go make disciples'. We need to inform the people of God’s Word and to ready them for the Coming of Christ.
We need to put down man’s doctrine and pick up the new wine skins and allow Holy Spirit to lead us into God’s Kingdom. The servants knew more about the wine than the master. The master knew it was the best, but the servants knew Who made it the best. God is calling us to account right now for the Greatness that He has placed within us. We will be victorious by resisting the lack of belief and the distractions of life. We will be blessed by opening our ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. To become a new wine skin, we have to let go of the old wine skin which is wrinkled and dried out with lots of holes in it.
Turn your attention to Christ and allow Him to create in you a new heart and a new spirit. Let the old go and let the new come pouring in. Allow the process of being squeezed by Jesus to take place in your life so that the greatness that He has placed within you can be poured out and used to make disciples of all nations.
And now may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May you walk in the divine favour of God. May everything that you put your hands to prosper and be blessed of God because you hear. Be it unto me according to Thy Word. And as the Word of God - the will of God synergizes in your life, you will know joy that is unspeakable, peace that surpasses all understanding, and accomplishment beyond your wildest expectation in Jesus Name. Father God give us the ability to let go of the old so that you can bring in the new into our lives. May we be Your servants according to your will and be obedient unto You in all that we do. May You find favour in Your servants as Your Blood covers us.
In Jesus Name we pray.
Dr.Ps Toby Paton
[Image Credit - beautifulinjesus.com (found on Pinterest)]