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Do We Limit God

3 December 2024

Recently we listened to a talk, and I was challenged by this question. Do we limit God?

This is not a new revelation to me because I’ve spoken on this and ‘searched myself and my motivations’ on this before. But this certainly was one of those challenging moments. How am I doing in allowing God to use me to bring about His purposes. Can I ask you the same question? How are you doing in allowing God to use you to bring about His purposes?

Andrew Womack (who was the preacher of the message) says this “How can finite (limited) man adequately represent an infinite (limitless) God?  This question presents a dilemma that has caused most people to not even try.”

How often have we had a dream, but deemed that dream to be impossible? How often have we envisioned things in ministry, but decided that we are not capable of fulfilling the vision? I know I have.

And I have because I’ve looked at the situation with my finite limitations. I’ve looked at the resources I have and decided we can’t possibly do that because what if God doesn’t provide, whether it’s financially, or equipment, or resources, or opportunity.

We limit ourselves when we limit God. More than that, we prevent ourselves partnering with God when He gives us a prophetic word, or an instruction, or a strategy to move in an area.

Psalm 78:41 New King James Version – “Yes, again and again they tempted God, And limited the Holy One of Israel.

On our recent trip to Albania, Holy Spirit revealed some things to me. This is what He said to the churches and Christians in Albania:- “You have heard My plans, and have been shown the strategies. Yet you do not align yourselves with Me in order to do and accomplish My Will for the Nation. You have heard My heart, yet you wait for it to happen supernaturally, without you having to participate in the programme. While I am the God who moves supernaturally, I choose to use you to bring about My plans and purposes on the earth. Why do you hear, and yet not do? Why do you think it must all be up to Me to make things happen, when I have asked you to partner with Me and accomplish My will, plans and purposes. When are you going to start moving so that the land and the nation can be taken back for the Kingdom. If you do not align with Me, then the evil one has an open door to do what he (Satan) wants. He has a foothold in the nation now, but unless you, My People, who are called by My Name, who are My holy Nation, My peculiar people, My chosen ones, start moving and declaring & decreeing the truths I have revealed to you, start putting into practice the strategies I have given you for bringing Heaven to earth and taking back the nation for the Kingdom, then the nation will be lost to the evil one.”

I truly believe that this is not just a word for Albania, but a word for every nation of the earth, and every people of the earth.

Let’s stop being responsible for limiting God. Let’s stop limiting and stopping the plans and purposes God has for our lives because we think too small. Let’s start WORKING WITH GOD and accomplishing what He wants done.

Are you complacent? Are you satisfied with what you have right now? Are you scared to move in case it goes wrong? Are you limiting God by your small thinking?

If you answer ‘yes’ to even one of these questions, then it’s time to get rid of the limitations and start to dream big. It’s time to ask God what your role is in His plans and purposes for you, and for the nation you live in. It’s time to renew your minds to come in line with Him. 

Start by remembering to build with God (Psalm 127:1) and to know that everything is achieved according to His power working in us (Ephesians 3:20). That everything we do is through Him who gives us the strength to do it (Philippians 4:13) and as we commit our plans to God (Proverbs 16:3), His will bless us abundantly and we will abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8). So, as you choose to stop limiting God, remember to take delight in Him (Psalm 37:4) and to be strong and courageous in all that you do (Joshua 1:6,7,9)

I’m not sure who to acknowledge for this quote – but I leave it with you to mull over “Turn you CAN’TS into CANS, and your DREAMS into PLANS”.

I bless you to dream big in the Lord, and to allow God to use you to accomplish what He has called you to accomplish. I bless you to walk on water with God as you bring Heaven to earth.

Be blessed


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