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Where to from here???

31 October 2024

When this generation is so busy trying to prove that women can do everything men can do, women are losing the unique qualities that set us apart. The God-given femininity and unique way our Creator designed us. 

Women were not created to do everything a man can do. Women were created to do everything a man cannot do. The lioness does not try to be the lion. She embraces her role as the lioness. She is powerful, strong, and nurturing. She does not mistake her meekness for weakness. The world needs more kind, compassionate, humble, faithful, persevering, confident, fierce, bold, pure, and tender-hearted women. Be one of them. 

Proverbs 31 asks if our husbands and children can call the mothers and wives blessed. Can they??? What a scary question! What is more disturbing is the fact that it is actually a question that needs to be asked. 

In my counselling of young married couples, I am amazed of how many young women do not even know how to sew a button on a shirt. They cannot knit, they cannot crochet, they cannot sew and they cannot even cook. I am amazed at how much the ability to be true women of God has become so scarce within the next generation. 

I then have to look to the mothers and say “What are you teaching your children”. We need to get back to basics and start to teach the next generation the ways of the Lord. 

Men have not taken their place either in the world. They are stepping back and allowing the women to do the man’s job. They have become lazy to stand up and be accountable for what God has given them. The focus has been so much on making money instead of building families that the Godly family is breaking up. 

We need to get our knees bent on prayer and start to focus on the family relationship instead of how much money we need to be better than our neighbours!

The scripture Matthew 6: 24 [“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.”] is often overlooked or used as an excuse for pastors and ministers to be poor, but in fact it is telling us to serve one or the other. 

Yes we need money to survive in this world, but we are using it wrongly and not for the purpose we suppose to use it for. It’s to just live here till we get to heaven. 

We need to be building our treasures in heaven not here on earth. Please do not see this that I am saying we cannot have nice stuff and live well. No, in fact Ecclesiastes tells us to eat drink and be merry. In other words enjoy life. 

But we have turned it into obesity, drunkenness and sinning through evil doings. We are calling evil good and good evil. Our time is running out. Once the next generation gets to be in control in a full time mode, our youngest generation will be lost. We need to pray hard for the next generation, and I mean really hard. We need to call the five-fold ministry back into the church to grow God’s Kingdom. 

Prayer: Father God, we ask for Your guidance into the lives of the next generation that will be leading the younger generation. Let Your will be done for the Kingdom of God to expand. Help us Abba Father to be bold and strong and to be examples for the young to lead them into Your Heavenly Kingdom in Jesus Name. Amen.



Dr Marishjean Paton Dr.Div PhD

Melqowsh Ministries and Melqowsh Bible College

Our thanks to Toby for this month’s Blog contribution

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