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The Presence and Purpose of God

2 July 2022

It has been said that “Evangelism is just one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread” and so I write this Blog in the full knowledge and understanding that I am hungry for more of God, hungry for his presence and hungry for his plans and purposes for me day by day. It is my hope that my hunger may connect with yours and that, together, we may find sustenance in his word and power in his presence.


Recently I have been drawn to the story of the Transfiguration in Matthew 17 and Mark 9 where Jesus calls Peter, James and John, his closest friends, to join him and to go up the mountain. In some translations it says “a high mountain” although that may mean different things to different people. Either way they went with Jesus, climbed the mountain and reached the top where an amazing event happened: they saw the Glory of God as Jesus was transfigured before them and was speaking to Moses and Elijah. 


Jesus “shines like light” where his face shone like the sun and his clothes as white as light. What a sight! Here the writers are describing the indescribable to us as Jesus is shown in the Glory of God and a glimpse of his heavenly person. Oh, to see him like this and to soak in his presence!


We read a similar description of Christ in His Glory in Revelation as he comes to John in a vision and imparted information that he wants John to share with the churches: “Hair as white as snow, eyes of fire and feet like bronze in a furnace. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance”

This is similar to Matthew and Luke’s description of Jesus on that mountain top and, just as he told John a message that mattered to the churches, we hear a message of God as he says that “This is my Son whom I love. Listen to him”. We are to listen to the voice of Christ and, by association, obey him.


Jesus allows us to see him in his Glory for the purposes of the Kingdom to be imparted to us. Now, not many of us are able to climb the mountain with him and see him speaking with Moses and Elijah but there are times for most of us when we have experienced his Glory in tangible ways. For me it has been at Bible weeks such as New Wine or Spring Harvest, or in times of prolonged worship at our Vineyard Churches conferences. You may have other vehicles that lead you into that place of intimacy and glory, but whatever and however we experience this I am sure that just like Peter, we want to remain there and soak up the wonder of the presence of God.


At these times we move into a place where he speaks into our very being, our Spirit is lifted and soaks up the love of God for us and for others. For God has a purpose for us in these glory times. To hear more clearly his voice, his purpose, his plan for us in the here and now.


In his glory we are uplifted to sample a taste of Heaven, His Kingdom come.


His purpose is to encourage and equip us for life here on earth where the lost and the broken are in need of a Saviour.


When we “listen to him” he tells us that our place is to be his witness, to obey his call on our lives, to be kingdom carriers to a hurting world.


We need the mountain top times. We are uplifted when we see his glory, re-charged spiritually, but our home is not at the top of the mountain but down below, in the valleys and dark places, ministering his love and power as we reveal him and his love to others.


The story moves immediately from a place of awe and wonder of God on the mountain top to demonic encounter at the bottom of the mountain where another father and his son need Jesus. “Lord have mercy on me and my son” he cries. “Your disciples could not heal him" (I have experienced that too!) and so Jesus speaks: “You unbelieving generation” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.”  Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.” “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”


It is here that we find the challenge for us as we too reach out to other sons and daughters in need of healing and freedom, yet our unbelief can dilute our effectiveness. That is why we need to be in his presence, experience his glory, recognise his power in us and reach out in faith and obedience to those around us.


We too can experience the glory of God, we should seek to be in that place, but we must remember that his plans and purposes for revealing his power is so that we can listen to his voice and obey him.


Jesus tells his followers that with faith even as small as a mustard seed that nothing will be impossible for us. Let us all build our faith and move into greater belief, greater love and greater power as we demonstrate God’s love to others.


“As the Father sent me, so I send you” he tells us. What an honour. Let us go and do as Jesus did.




Our thanks to Paul for this month's Blog Contribution

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